The documentary “Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land” is about the Middle East and how the American news is not giving fair coverage as to what is going on. American newspapers are leaving out details that can be seen as important aspects of the story.
When thinking about images that have to do with the Middle East there are more images that express the overwhelming amount of violence, as if that is the only thing happening.
In the documentary, Alisa Solomon expresses the idea that there is an absence of voices in the media when it comes to describing what Palestinians are experiencing. I agree that something there can be an absence of voice, I feel that both sides are not being represented equally.
When it comes to reporting on violence and peace, it is a journalist’s job to report on the truth and tell every side of the story. The news is made to keep people informed and keep opinions out of it.
Keeping the truth straight and the community informed is something that American newspapers can work on more.
According to Seth Ackerman, Israeli newspapers are more likely to provide balanced reports because they seem to provide more coverage on what’s actually happening on the ground in cities. Then they will analyze the situations and report to the community. This seems to be something that American newspapers can lack. American newspapers sometimes do now provide multiple angles to a story, this is something we should improve on to help be more informative.
By learning to balance out what reports are publishing this can result in a more informed perspective.
Excluding context is another problem American news seems to have. The context that is missing a lot of the time is that the Palestinians uprising is a revolt against a 34-yearlong occupation.
Solomon claims that by not including this context that the stories don’t make sense. The absence of this context can have a lot of negative results on the outlook.
Reports should be using accurate images along with sharing all the information they can provide. To be leaving things out or not providing the full context for the story can make the reports seem bias about the situation.